Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hard Day

I had a hard time getting motivated today.  Procrastinated all morning, drank my coffee, did NOT want to work out.  Then out of the blue I got a Facebook message from a friend who asked if I was still doing Weight Watchers.  Wow, talk about timing.  We chatted for a while and that gave me the motivation to get up and do something.  I did Wii yoga for 10 minutes and Wii strength training for 15, focusing on my legs & arms.  I just have to keep reminding myself that, yes, it is worth it.  30 minutes a day is not going to kill me.  In other news, my plants are sprouting!!!!  It's been raining pretty much daily and they are just popping up all over the place!  I've already started thinning some of the lettuce out (I got a little carried away with the seeds......but they were so little!)  Can't wait to eat the fruit (& vegetables) of my labor.

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